Читать книгу The Totall Discourse of the Rare Adventures & Painefull Peregrinations. The Long Nineteene Yeares Travayles from Scotland to the most famous Kingdomes in Europe, Asia and Affrica онлайн

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I trancing flye, I fall, I hovering scale:

And whilst from Phleg’ran fields, the weirds me call,

I in Elisean plaines, am forc’d to fall;

Wherein some flowry faire enamild ground

I’le place my Tombe, mine Epitaph shall sound,

Of traine-shut sluces, of the Thespian spring,

Where chatring birds, Dodonean trees do sing:

And mild Hydaspes streames do gently flow,

There shall my Lesbian layes, sad Liricks shew.

And where the Borean Roses strow the Hall,

Where flot-glass’d Nymphs, the Circe-fled Greeks enstal;

There shall shrill Triton sound, Armilla’s staind,

Whom foule affection preyd, and Lucre gaind;

Load with the filth of dallying Lust and Sin,

[I. 6.]Where bloody murther, like a Theefe creept in;

Yet shall the spotles Heart, triumph in trueth,

When worth reapes fame and vertue conquers youth:

And crowne Dorasmos, faith-plight Delphian Bayes,

With more then Lawrell praise, immortall rayes.

Than brass-brou’d Fiends, accurst by Minos doome,

Flee Fairy flight, to Pluto whence you come;

And tast Phlageton, Lethe, court Proserpine,
