Читать книгу The Totall Discourse of the Rare Adventures & Painefull Peregrinations. The Long Nineteene Yeares Travayles from Scotland to the most famous Kingdomes in Europe, Asia and Affrica онлайн

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From Paris in the yeere of God 1609. March 7. I set forward, being brought three leagues on my way, with a number of my Countrey gallants, young Aiton, young Hutonhall, and specially Monsieur Hay of Smithfield, now Esquire of his Majesties body, with diverse other Gentlemen: where when my kindest thankes had over-clouded their courtesies, and farewell bid on both sides, I bequeathed my proceedings to God, my body to turmoyling paines, my hands to the burdon, and my feete to the hard brusing way. And as unwilling to make relation of my passing through France, the Savoyean, & Ligurian Alpes, sith it is manifested unto many in this Iland, both by sight and report, I would shunne, so farre [I. 11.]as possible I can, all prolixity of knowne, and therefore unnecessary discourse. Although I have a large reason, having cros’d the Alpes at sixe severall parts, onely, in the owne place, I meane to comment upon Italy in generall. Upon the 40. day after my departure from Paris, I arrived at Rome, of the which I will memorize, some rarest things, and so proceed. This City of Rome now extant, is not that old Rome, which Romulus founded that tempered the morter with the blood of his brother Rhemus, who disdainefully leaped over the new wals; and was once the mistresse of the universe, for her triumphs and antiquities, but is now only the carkas of the other, of which she retaineth nothing but her ruines, and the cause of them, her sinnes.
