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The Antiquity of Rome.Rome which Romulus first founded, contayned these two mountaines, Capitolino, and Palatino, with the valley lying betweene both hills: having three ports; the first was called Trigonio, because of the triangle it made neere to the foote of mount Palatin: The second Pandonio, because it was alwayes open, and for the commodity of the passage, it was called the free port: The third was called Carmentale of Carmenta, the mother of Evander who dwelt there: It was also named scelorata, or wicked gate in regard of 300. Sabines put cruelly to death issuing thereat.

Now after the Monarchy of the Romanes had attained to the full height; the Gothes, a base and unknowne people, displaying their banner, against this glorious and imperiall City, in the end razed, and subverted their pallaces, equalizing the walles with the ground. After the which detriment, the overthrow, the late subdued Romans, recovering their ruinous habitation, were inforced to withdraw the situation of the Towne, a little more downe-ward, in Campus Martius, close by the [I. 12.]bankes of Tibris; and transported the stones of these ransacked buildings, to reedifie their new dwelling places;
