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Many have wrote of the singularities of old Rome, and I will also recite some decayed monuments thereof, which I have seene: The speciall object of Antiquity I saw, being never a whit decayed to this day, is the Templum omnium Deorum, but now, omnium sanctorum, [I. 16.]builded in a rotundo, and open at the top with a large round, like to the quire of the holy grave. And a pretty way from this, are the remainants of that Auncient Amphitheatre beautified with great Columnes, of a wonderfull bignesse and height, and a mile in compasse; the reason why it was first devised, the ghosts of the slaughtered Romes Antiquities.Sabines may testifie. To be briefe, I saw the decayed house of worthy Cicero, the high Capitoll, the Pallace of cruell Nero, the Statues of Marcus Aurelius, Alexander, and his horse Bucephalus. The greene hill like unto mount Cavallo, that was made of the Potters sheards at one time, which brought the tributary gold to this imperiall seate: the seven Piramides, some whereof during her former glory, were transported from Ægypt: The high and small statues of Peter and Paul, the Castell St. Angelo, which Adrian first founded, standing now in a moderate circumferent height, with incircling battlements, and their doubtfull transported Reliques from Jerusalem, with many other things I diligently remarked, some whereof were frivolous, some ambiguous and some famous.
