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The River Tyber which runneth through her bosome, is not unlike to Jordan and Tagus; yet not so big as either of them, being all three of a troubled and muddy colour: But it is exceeding outragious, and often Manasseth to [I. 13.]drowne the whole Mansions, as greeving to grace the wals of such a wicked and imperious place: Who having lost her former preheminent glory, and domination over the world, would now alledge and ascribe a second prerogative over the soules of men, the heavens, the hels, the silver-coyned Purgatory, the deposing and imposing of Kings: The former was done by the undaunted courage of the invincible sword, the latter by presumption, Avarice, insinuation, and absurd lyes.

Saint Catherines observation.I remember of a pretty observation of Saint Catherine of Siena, who being stricken in devotion, went to venerate Rome, accompanied with a goodly traine; and having visited all the Monuments, supposed Holy places, and Religious relickes there, for the space of five dayes; At last she came to take a view of the Popes Palace, where having spent a whole day, strictly remarkeing the gesture and carriage of the Popes servants: She sawe nothing but abhomination, prophanation, and irreligious living, and worser then in Rome it selfe: Whereuppon suddenly the next day shee departed for Siena, being an hundreth Miles distant; pittifully bewayling her journey, and the miserable livers she sawe in Rome. Protesting alwayes after for sixteene yeares time till her death, that the Winde Meaning of Sodomy.never came from the East blowing Westward to Siena, but she thought the filthinesse of the Popes Palace, and the beastlinesse of Rome, ever stunke in her nose.
