Читать книгу The Totall Discourse of the Rare Adventures & Painefull Peregrinations. The Long Nineteene Yeares Travayles from Scotland to the most famous Kingdomes in Europe, Asia and Affrica онлайн

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Still left untold, something there must be seene

For them, who trace our feete, with Argos eyne:

Yet let them stay, and take this verball note,

They who would better write, must larger quote.

Bidding adew to my company, and this Library, I longed to view the gorgeous Mosaicall worke of S. Peters Church: The matter was no sooner conceived, but I went to the doore, yet afraid to enter, because I was not accustomed with the carriage, and ceremonies of such a Sanctum Sanctorum: but at the last, abandoning all scrupulosities, I came in boldly, and on my right hand, as I entred within the doore, I espied the portrayed image of S. Peter [I. 18.]The brasen Image of Saint Peter.erected of pure Brasse, and sitting on a brasen Chaire. The fashion of the people is this, entring the Church, they go straight to this Idoll, and saluting with many crosses his senslesse body, kisse his feete, and every one of his severall toes: insomuch that those his comfortlesse feete are growne firy red, while his body, save his breasts, remaineth brazen blew: and yet forsooth some of their learned Rabines will not have this superstition, but an humble commemoration of their adored Saints, or the like, for procuring favour of intercession, whilst the erected Idoll (interum) receiveth all their superfluous abhominations of diurnall worship. Next, they lay their heads under the sole of his right foote, and arising, rub their Beades on his hard costed belly: thus adoring that breathlesse masse of mettall, more then though it were a living creature.
