Читать книгу The Totall Discourse of the Rare Adventures & Painefull Peregrinations. The Long Nineteene Yeares Travayles from Scotland to the most famous Kingdomes in Europe, Asia and Affrica онлайн

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O wonderfull and strange spectacle? that these onely titular Christians, should become worse of knowledge then Ethnicke Pagans, to worship and reverence the workemanship of mens hands. Woe and shame be unto you all blind Hereticall Papists; Why should you make to your selves Idols and Images of gold, silver, brasse, yron, stone, earth and tree; And notwithstanding would excuse the matter with a superstitious reason, alledging, you do it onely in remembrance, where otherwise it is a damnable signe of wilfull obdurate ignorance: May not the prohibition of the 2. Commandement of Gods Law, which absolutely you abrogate, dividing the last Commandement in two; confound the errour of this Idolatry, ingrafted in your hardned hearts.

What vertue can be in a lumpe of brasse? or what comfort in the devices of handy-crafts-men? Alas, nothing but eternall sorrow & condemnation. This was [I. 19.]one of the lamentable errors I saw in the Roman Sea, amongst many other thousands: When the foolish Listranes or Licaonians would have sacrificed Buls to the honour of Paul and Barnabas, they rent their cloaths, and ranne in among the people, crying, and saying; O men, why doe you those things, we are even men subject to the like passions that you be: How is it then, That the Apostles being alive, would have no acknowledging by any homage of man; yet when they are dead, the Superstition of Papists.Romanists will worship their counterfeit similitude, in stone or tree. What unworthy-fained traditions and superstitious Idolatry? What strange new devising trickes they use, to plant idle monasteriall Loyterers? How many manner of wayes these belly-minded slaves Epicure-like leade their lives? And what a Sea of abhominable villany they swimme into, practising even unnatural vices, I meane of their wrongfuly called Religious Bishops, Priests, Friers, Curates, and all the hypocriticall crew, of these pervers’d Jebusites, no heart can expresse; nor the most eloquent tongue can sufficiently unfold. Whose luxurious lives are vulgarly promulgat in this Hispanicall proverbe:
