Читать книгу The Totall Discourse of the Rare Adventures & Painefull Peregrinations. The Long Nineteene Yeares Travayles from Scotland to the most famous Kingdomes in Europe, Asia and Affrica онлайн

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Pardons for pennies.And he shall have Indulgences, Dispensations, adjoyned Penances, or absolved Offences, for hundreds, thousands, lesse, or more yeeres. The period of Time, after eight and twenty dayes abode, wishing my departure, I hardly escaped from the hunting of these blood-sucking Inquisitors, of which the most part were mine owne Country-men, the chiefest of whom was Robert Mophet a Jesuit borne in St. Andrewes, David Chambers, and of our Colledge there, one Gordon, and one Cuningham, borne in the Cannon-gate of Edenborough: And to speake trueth, if it had not beene for Robert Meggat, borne neere to Newbattle, then resident in Burgo di Roma with the old My escape from Rome.Earle of Tirone, who hid me secretly for three dayes in the top of his Lords Pallace, when all the streets and ports of Rome were layd for me, who conveighing me away at the fourth mid-night, and leapt the walles of Rome with me, I had doubtlesse dyed as hot a death as a Lady Prioresse of Naples did afterward in my second Travells: And for better record Patricke Baxstter, now dwelling in Dundy, and then followed the Earle of Tyron can justifie the same, my custody and mine escape being both within his knowledge. Yet I may justly affirme it in these parts a man can finde no worser enimie then his nationall supposed friend, Religion being the cause of [I. 21.]it, and at home none more false nor deceitfull then a bosome friend.
