Читать книгу The Totall Discourse of the Rare Adventures & Painefull Peregrinations. The Long Nineteene Yeares Travayles from Scotland to the most famous Kingdomes in Europe, Asia and Affrica онлайн

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Unnas tienen de gatto, y el habito de beato,

El cruz en los Pechos, ye el diabolo en los hechos.

They have a Cats clawes, and a blest Saints weed,

The crosse on their breasts, the divels in their deed.

But for feare of Excommunication from that Anti-christian Curtezan. I dare not persevere longer herein: Although I can; yea, and so truely bewray their all-corrupted estate, that I need no information of any Romane Novice Traveller. Of whose sight and experience, would God all the Papists in Britaine had the like eie-witnessing approbation as I have had, I am certainly perswaded, with tears & sighes, they would heavily bemone [I. 20.]the terrible fal of that Babylonian whoore, which in a prophane estimation) is their holy mother Church. For I sincerely sweare to thee, O faithfull Christian (as the Italian usually doth in his humours) by the golden tripled Crowne of my ghostly Father, Paulo Papa quinto, whatsoever sacriledge, incest, or villany a Papist committeth; let him come here, and fill the bribing hands of the Simonaicall Minions, of the thrice crowned Priest, (for Roma non captat ovem sine lana.)
