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AUERSTADT, BATTLE OF.—In this most sanguinary conflict, between the French and Prussian armies, October 14th, 1806, the Prussians were routed on every side, having lost 200 pieces of cannon, 30 standards, and 28,000 prisoners, and leaving 30,000 slain on the battle field. Both the King of Prussia and Napoleon commanded at this engagement. The French Emperor immediately afterwards entered Berlin, from which city he issued his memorable Berlin Decrees.

AUGHRIM, BATTLE OF.—Near Athlone, in Ireland. This battle was fought, July 12th, 1691, between the Irish, headed by the French General St. Ruth, and the English under General Ginckel, when the former lost 7000 men; the latter only 600 killed and 960 wounded. St. Ruth was slain. This engagement proved decisively fatal to the interests of James II in Ireland, Ginckel was immediately created Earl of Athlone; the ball by which St. Ruth was killed is still preserved suspended in the choir of St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin.

AUGSBURG, BATTLE OF.—Fought between the Imperialists and the French army, the latter commanded by Moreau; who obtained so complete a victory, that Augsburg and Munich were opened to him. It was fought August 26th, 1796; Moreau, September 2nd following, again defeated the Austrians on the Jun, and again, September 7th, at Mainburg.
