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On the land side the combat was an equal one. Volley replied to volley, and no symptoms appeared to induce the belief that either party was the stronger. Suddenly, about four o’clock, a mighty explosion occurred in the Russian lines, which, for a moment, seemed to quell and subdue the roar of the thundering cannon. The earth shook, and volumes of fire sprang upwards and cast a lurid glare on every object. The very artillery was paused, awe-struck by the catastrophe; and the spectators watched the result in breathless excitement. It seemed as if a subterranean fire had forced its way through the surface of the earth to annihilate the presumption of competing man. Then the flame sank, the frightful shock was passed, and a pillar of dust and rubbish took the place of the mingled fire and smoke. The magazine in the centre of the Redan had exploded, and for a brief space not a gun from that great work replied to our volleys. Then the fire re-opened, and the Russian gunners, nothing daunted, again hurled their shower of missiles against our works. Shortly afterwards, a small powder-waggon, belonging to the English, was struck by a shell and exploded, fortunately injuring none.
