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The English storming party was comprised of detachments from the Light and Second Divisions. General Codrington, of the Light Division, assisted by General Markham, commanding the Second, had the direction of the assault. The first stormers, 1000 men, were selected in equal numbers from each division, Colonels Unett and Windham leading. The Highland brigade and Guards were ordered up to the post as a reserve. General Herbillon, commanding the French corps d’armée on the Tchernaya, had made every preparation to meet any attack which might be made by the Russian army of observation; but the enemy had experienced the prowess of the Allies in the open field too bitterly again to attempt defeat.

Early in the morning, squadrons of cavalry took position on the roads leading from Balaklava and Kadikoi to the camp, to prevent, stragglers and spectators from crowding to the front, and impeding the movements of the troops engaged in the assault. Every precaution, too, was observed to prevent the enemy from having any intimation of the movements of the soldiers. Parapets were heightened, and the regiments, French and English, moved up before daylight, with such promptness and secrecy that many even in the camp were unaware of the nature of the contemplated operations.
