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In this final assault the English lost no fewer than 29 officers and 356 men killed, and 124 officers and 1762 men wounded; 1 officer and 175 men were missing; total of casualties, 2447. The French suffered a loss of 5 generals killed, 4 wounded, and 6 hurt; 24 superior officers killed, 20 wounded, and 2 missing; 116 subaltern officers killed, 224 wounded, and 8 missing; 1489 sub-officers and soldiers killed, 4259 wounded, and 1400 missing; total, 7551. The Russians admit a loss on the last day of the assault of 2684 killed, 7263 wounded, and 1754 missing. Between the battle of the Tehernaya and the opening of the final bombardment, they lost 18,000 men.

Thus did Sebastopol fall! The strongest fortress in the world, garrisoned by the most colossal military power, after a siege unexampled in modern history had succumbed to the efforts of the armies of the Western Powers. Three great battles had been fought beneath its walls, and four bombardments of hitherto unknown fierceness had been directed against its bastions. The siege occupied very nearly twelve months; and more than 100,000 men must have perished by wounds and disease in and before its walls.
