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BURMESE WAR.—The first dispute with the Burmese took place in 1795, but it was amicably settled by General Erskine. Hostilities were commenced in 1824, when the British took Rangoon. After some time peace was declared, February 24th, 1826, when the British received Arracan as a compensation. A naval force arrived before Rangoon, October 29th, 1851, and after the non compliance of certain British demands by the viceroy, war was declared. On the 5th April, 1852, Martaban was stormed by the British Indian army, and on the 14th of the same month Rangoon itself fell into their hands. Then followed the storming of Bassein, May 19th, 1852, and the capture of Pegu, June 4th, 1852. On the 28th December following, Pegu was annexed to the Indian Government by a proclamation of the Governor-General.

BURLINGTON HEIGHTS, BATTLE OF.—Between the British and the United States’ forces—an obstinate and memorable engagement, contested with great valour on both sides. The Americans were routed, and the British carried the heights, June 6th, 1813.
