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BUENOS AYRES, BRITISH DESCENTS UPON.—A British fleet and army, under Sir Home Popham and General Beresford, took the city, with slight resistance, in 1806, but it was retaken August 12th, after six weeks’ possession. Monte-Video was taken by storm by Sir Samuel Auchmuty, February 3rd, 1807, but evacuated July 7th following. The British suffered a dreadful repulse here in an expedition of 8000 men, under general Whitelock (who was disgraced) July 6th, 1807. On entering the town they were attacked by a superior force with musketry and grape from every quarter, and perished in great numbers, but at last they were allowed to re-embark in their vessels.

BULL RUN.—This battle was fought between the Northern States of America and the Confederate States of the South, July 21st, 1861. The Union army was signally defeated, and fell back on Washington in confusion. Their loss amounted to 481 killed, 1011 wounded, and 700 prisoners. The rebel or Southern loss was 269 killed and 1483 wounded.

BUNKER’S HILL, BATTLE OF.—Fought between the English and her revolted colonists, June 16th, 1775. On the evening of that day, 1000 men, under the command of Colonel Prescott, of Massachusetts, Colonel Stark, from New-Hampshire, and Captain Knowlton, from Connecticut, were despatched on this service. They were conducted, by mistake, to Breed’s Hill, which was nearer to the water and to Boston, than Bunker’s. At twelve o’clock they began to throw up entrenchments, and by dawn of day had completed a redoubt eight rods square. As soon as they were discovered, they were fired upon from a ship of war and several floating batteries lying near, and from a fortification in Boston opposite the redoubt. The Americans, nevertheless, encouraged by General Putnam, who often visited them on the hill, continued to labor until they had finished a slight breastwork extending from the redoubt eastward to the water. And in the morning they received a reinforcement of 500 men.
