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Yet availed not their fury to thrust him aback, nor to pierce his flesh;

But unconquered, unflinching, down to the underworld he passed,

Battered from life by the storm of the massy pines that they cast.

And came Titaresian Mopsus withal, unto whom was given

Of Lêto’s son above all men the lore of the birds of the heaven.

And there was Eurydamas, Ktimenus’ son, which dwelt in the land

Of Dolopian folk: by the Xynian mere did his palace stand.

And from Opus Menoitius fared at Aktor his father’s behest

To the end he might go with the chieftains of men on the glorious Quest.{70}

And Eurytion hath followed with these; Eribôtes the mighty is gone,

This, Teleon’s scion, and that, of Irus, Aktor’s son;

For in sooth it was Teleon begat Eribôtes the glory-crowned,

And Irus, Eurytion. With these was a third, Oïleus, found,

Peerless in manhood, exceeding cunning to follow the flight

Of the foe, when the reeling battalions were shattered before his might.

Came the son of Kanêthus the scion of Abas; with eager speed
