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Of Lampeia, wherein he had battened, the vast Erymanthian fen.

At the entering-in of Mycenae’s market-stead he cast

From his mighty shoulders the beast, as he writhed in his bonds knit fast:

But himself of his own will, thrusting Eurystheus’ purpose aside,{130}

Hasted away; and Hylas, his henchman true and tried,

Which bare his arrows and warded his bow, with the hero hath hied.

Therewithal hath the scion of god-descended Danaus gone,

Nauplius, born unto King Klytonêus, Naubolus’ son;

And of Lernus Naubolus sprang; and Lernus, as bards have told,

Of Proitus, Nauplius’ son; and unto Poseidon of old

Amymônê, Danaus’ daughter, who couched in the God’s embrace,

Bare Nauplius, chief in the seafarer’s craft of the Earth-born race.

Last cometh Idmon the seer, of all that in Argos dwell,

Cometh knowing the doom he hath heard the birds of heaven foretell,{140}

Lest the people should haply begrudge him a hero’s glorious fame:

Yet not of the very loins of Abas the doomed seer came;

But the son of Lêto begat him to share the noble name
