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The bottles for the collection of samples shall have glass stoppers, except when physical, mineral, or microscopical examinations only are to be made. Jugs or metal containers shall not be used.

Sample bottles shall be carefully cleansed each time before using. This may be done by treating with sulfuric acid and potassium bichromate, or with alkaline permanganate, followed by a mixture of oxalic and sulfuric acids, and by thoroughly rinsing with water and draining. The stoppers and necks of the bottles shall be protected from dirt by tying cloth, thick paper or tin foil over them.

For shipment bottles shall be packed in cases with a separate compartment for each bottle. Wooden boxes may be lined with corrugated fibre paper, felt, or similar substance, or provided with spring corner strips, to prevent breakage. Lined wicker baskets also may be used.

Bottles for bacteriological samples shall be sterilized as directed on page ssss1.



In general, the shorter the time elapsing between the collection and the analysis of a sample the more reliable will be the analytical results. Under many conditions analyses made in the field are to be commended, as data so obtained are frequently preferable to data obtained in a distant laboratory after the composition of the water has changed.