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Surface drainage of small roads.

The surface drainage of small roads and paths in a bazaar is best provided for by the construction of a central drain down the middle, to which the ground is made to slightly slope from each side; this prevents the accumulation of filth in the so-called side drains, which are generally merely long pits; and, provided a slight fall be given, they are self-cleaning at every shower of rain.

In paths or gullies a small concrete saucer drain can be constructed, at a cost not exceeding four annas a lineal foot, into which the house connections can be made,—the paths being paved with bricks, set flat, not costing more than Rs. 2–8 per 100 square feet. These should be laid at a good slope to the drain, and as only foot traffic need be provided for, is amply strong enough. In many cases it will be found that adjacent house-holders are quite willing to pay for this work, when once a commencement is made, and the advantage is obvious to them.

Kutcha roadside drains.
