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Something might here be introduced concerning their relish for human flesh, and the instances which some years ago happened in Hungary might be adduced as proofs, [16] were it not likely to be objected, that these examples are at variance with common experience, as well as with the old accounts handed down to us concerning these people. We shall, therefore, not insist on this accusation: but entirely give up the point of Gipseys being men-eaters, except just hinting, that it would be expedient for governments to be watchful. But the instances in Hungary do not appear, by any means, so casual and uncommon as people may imagine.—What, according to the strictest examination, has been done, not by one, but many; not by ten, but even two hundred, and perhaps by thousands; not yesterday and to-day, but many years back; finally, not by the whole body together, but single parties by themselves, in different places: Shall these things be deemed only casual excesses? Should it be asserted, in addition to this, that eating human flesh is in practice and allowed, in the country whence they originate; we might with greater probability mention this shocking fact, of feeding on human flesh, as a prevailing custom among the Gipseys. This circumstance is expressly mentioned in histories: which assure us, that among the particular class of people from whom the Gipseys sprung, it is a long-established custom for the nearest relations and friends to kill and eat each other. It is unnecessary to bring proof of it in this place, as it belongs to the second section: let it suffice just to have hinted the matter, in order that it may be known towards what people we are to look for the origin of the Gipseys. As to the objection, that among all the crimes with which they have been charged, in the older writings, eating human flesh is not positively alledged against them, it may be obviated by more than one answer. In the first place, let it be observed, history relates, and the event in Hungary confirms, that they murder one another; further, consider their wandering mode of life; lastly, that they generally abide in byplaces: and all may be easily accounted for. A hundred fathers may sacrifice their children to their voluptuousness, and the crime still remain concealed. The absent person is not missed; as nobody watches over a family continually in motion, and every-where a stranger. Just as unlikely is it, that information should be given to government. There is no reason to suppose any of their own people would think it their duty to inform; as, not being contrary to their usual practice, they do not esteem it wrong. It is very possible for them to have destroyed many other people, without the circumstances being recorded in the courts of justice, or noticed in the annual publications. Who ever thought to enquire of them after any traveller that, far distant from his own country, might have fallen into their hands and been cut off? Or how are the remains of the poor victim to be traced, if they devour what is eatable, and burn the bones? [19]
