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Unsafe practices.

Fig. 1.—One of many farms lacking the simplest sanitary convenience

Deserving of severe censure is the old custom of conveying excrements or sewage into abandoned wells or some convenient stream. Such a practice is indecent and unsafe. It is unnecessary and is contrary to the laws of most of the States.

Likewise dangerous and even more disgusting is the old custom of using human excrement or sewage for the fertilization of truck land. Under no circumstances should such wastes be used on land devoted to celery, lettuce, radishes, cucumbers, cabbages, tomatoes, melons, or other vegetables, berries, or low-growing fruits that are eaten raw. Disease germs or particles of soil containing such germs may adhere to the skins of vegetables or fruits and infect the eater.

Upon farms it is necessary to dispose of excretal wastes at no great distance from the dwelling. The ability and likelihood of flies carrying disease germs direct to the dinner table, kitchen, or pantry are well known. Vermin, household pets, poultry, and live stock may spread such germs. For these reasons, and also on the score of odor, farm sewage never should be exposed.
