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He began to circulate humorous stories about Kenneth’s antipathy to sign-boards, saying that the young man demanded that the signs be taken off the Zodiac, and that he wouldn’t buy goods of the village grocer because the man had a sign out.

Mr. Hopkins also printed thousands of large hand-bills reading “The Signs of the Times vs. Aristocratic Snobbery. Vote for the Hon. Erastus Hopkins, the man who believes in advertising.”

These things had their effect upon all classes of people. There were many good-natured laughs at young Forbes’s expense. All this was soon realized at Elmhurst, and had the effect of plunging the youthful aspirant for political honors into the depths of despair. The campaign was hot against him, but Kenneth made no defense.

At this juncture, with election but three weeks away, he received a telegram asking him to send the drag and baggage wagon to the noon train. It was signed by John Merrick, and the boy was overjoyed at the prospect of seeing his jolly old friend again. And the girls? Well, some of them surely must be coming, or Uncle John wouldn’t have asked for the drag.
