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“Now then, the election can go to blazes,” said Kenneth, cheerfully, to Mr. Watson. “The sight of some friendly faces will be a great relief.”

The old lawyer sighed. His attempt to “wake up” Kenneth had resulted in failure, mainly because the boy had become discouraged so early in the game. Kenneth felt keenly the humiliating experiences he had passed through, and had sunk back into his old moody reserve.

But here was a welcome diversion. The visitors, whoever they might prove to be, would afford relief to the situation and brighten the dullness of life at the big house. So both Kenneth and Mr. Watson were with the drag at the station when the noon train drew in.

And there were Patsy Doyle, Beth DeGraf, and Louise Merrick, a bevy of dainty and sprightly girls, alighting eagerly from the coaches, with Uncle John handing out the grips and packages and giving the checks for the baggage, with business-like celerity, to Thomas the groom.

“We’ve come for a visit, Ken!” cried Palsy, laughing at his eager delight. “Are you glad to see us, boy? And do you suppose old Martha has our rooms aired?”
