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I.Cornering Religion, by Rev. C. A. Bartol.II.On the Alleged Decay of Faith, by Rev. Orville Dewey, D. D.III.A Religious Experience, by Rev. A. D. Mayo.IV.What do Unitarians Believe? by Rev. Samuel J. May.V.Believing Much and Believing Little, by Rev. O. B. Frothingham.VI.The Simplicity of Liberal Christianity, by Rev. John Pierpont.VII.Theodore Parker, by Rev. A. D. Mayo.VIII.Why not Acknowledge the Faith which you Believe, by Rev. E. Buckingham.IX.Relation of the Unitarian Faith to the Current Creeds of Christendom, by Rev. H. W. Bellows, D. D.X.The Use and Abuse of Religious Creeds, by Rev. A. D. Mayo.XI.Some Essentials of a True Church, by Rev. Robert Collyer.XII.American Dangers and Duties, by Rev. A. D. Mayo.

We believe there is no way in which our cause can be so surely and steadily advanced as by the thorough dissemination of tracts, calculated to awaken interest in the great religious questions of the age. And we confidently appeal to our friends for aid and co-operation in this work. The publications of the coming year we intend shall equal in interest and ability those of the past, and at a very small cost any person will be able to enjoy the best thoughts of the ablest writers upon Liberal Christianity. Subscribers of one dollar a year will be furnished with the whole series for 1860 (twelve in number), at the rate of two copies a month sent by mail, at periodical rates of postage; and to purchasers who desire tracts for more extended circulation, they will be supplied at the rate of $2.00 a hundred. The objects of the society being solely to publish and disseminate the ideas of Liberal Christianity, the entire receipts in their treasury will be devoted to those ends with no profits accruing to any one.
