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We require a sufficient amount of funds to publish our new series, in much larger editions than our limited means have hitherto allowed; and our ability to do so will be greatly augmented by an early contribution. As only one dollar a year is required from each person, who cordially believes that a more liberal faith is necessary to the healthful growth of a Christian character, we earnestly invite all such, not only to contribute personally, but so to interest their friends in our behalf, that we may go on with confidence in our pecuniary success, as well as in the persistent advance of the cause to which we are so heartily devoted.

Bound copies of the first series of Tracts for the Times, can be obtained at fifty cents per volume.

Prices of New Series $1 a year, for two copies a month. $2 per hundred copies.

All subscriptions and applications for tracts, addressed by mail, with money, enclosed, to Mrs. Lucy C. Mayo, 32 Lodge street, or Miss Nancie Burton, 70 Chapel street, Albany, N. Y.
