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In order to reduce crime among boys we must take away the operating causes. There is no other way to reach the desired end, and the sooner we get our eyes open to these facts, the better for ourselves and everybody else.

The object of all prison discipline should be the moral transformation of young offenders. They should be taught righteousness and purity of life, honesty and industry, self-respect and courteous behaviour to all. Whenever prison reform comes short of this, it is a failure, and society at large is injured thereby.




There can be little doubt that the criminal product of the twentieth century is vastly different in its make up and harder to deal with than the criminal of any other century of the Christian era. Not perhaps from the standpoint of moral depravity, for all criminals are depraved, although some seem to be more so than others. But the criminal of to-day to be successful in his operations must be daring in his conceptions and highly scientific in his methods; otherwise he will be unable to cope with the difficulties in his way.
