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But there are criminals and criminals. Some indeed are born into criminal lives from infancy, aided by the laws of heredity, while others become criminals on the impulse of the moment and for months or years, run a wild career of wrong doing, but afterwards change the course of their conduct, and become useful members of society. Of course the only kind of reformation that becomes permanent is the kind that changes the man inside and out. Others like the twig that is bent, remain crooked all their lives. Nor does imprisonment improve such people to any great extent. Harsh treatment may subdue the animal passions but will not change his higher nature.

We do not believe that God brands any man as the victim of an unavoidable destiny, nor does He compel him to live a criminal life against his will. The fact is each law breaker is the victim of his own depraved will and is what he wants to be.

The twentieth century crook in forgery, burglary, safe cracking and swindling studies the situation so carefully that in two-thirds of the cases he is able to “beat” the law. A greenhorn crook is sure to leave traces behind him but an expert never. The twentieth century crook uses an automobile and naphtha launch so as to disappear with his “loot” to parts unknown. When he travels at home or abroad, he patronizes the most expensive hotels, the dearest express trains, and only the best accommodations on ocean steamers. Expert crooks as a rule travel in pairs.
