Читать книгу The New York Tombs Inside and Out!. Scenes and Reminiscences Coming Down to the Present. A Story Stranger Than Fiction, with an Historic Account of America's Most Famous Prison онлайн

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Then there were Fritz Meyer, Carlyle Harris, Doc. Kennedy, and Patrick, besides, lawyers, doctors, bankers, insurance agents and walking delegates without number.

Harry Kendall Thaw, a native of Pittsburg, Pa., a multi-millionaire, shot and killed Stanford White while in Madison Square roof garden June 6th, 1906. He lay in the Tombs over ten months. His first trial lasted nearly three months. His immense wealth brought around him an army of friends who flattered him night and day—for his money. While in the Tombs he had unusual privileges, all of which he doubtless paid for highly. Physically his imprisonment made him a new man. His defence is said to have cost him a million dollars. He came from a first class family.

At his second trial the Demosthenes of the Brooklyn Bar, Littlefield, successfully defended him and saved him from the Electric Chair. His mother, who is known as a lovely Christian lady, visited him regularly during his confinement. Thaw is at present in Matteawan. He has made several efforts to secure his freedom but has failed. The general opinion is that if he keeps at it he will succeed.
