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One of our modern fallacies is that education is a cure for all the ails and weaknesses of life. There never was a greater mistake. When we think of humanity in its deranged and weakened condition and the constant liability to err—a liability that is inherent in all men—learned and unlearned—making them subject to temptations and crime which at any moment may blast their lives, we must be cautious about believing that education alone can make men and women honest and virtuous. Education is only a means to an end, and serves its purpose best when joined to moral training and industrious habits as taught in a well regulated life. Without moral training, education alone will only generate a type of cunning crookedness, that will be dangerous alike to the home and the republic at large.

I believe that education in its best and broadest sense, means not only mental culture, but carefully trained habits of industry, together with morality and religion as founded on the basic principles of the Decalogue and the Sermon on the Mount—all of which tend to promote the happiness of the human family.
