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One day Jelāl paid a visit to a great Sheykh. He was received with the utmost respect, and seated with the Sheykh on the same carpet, both together falling into ecstatic heart-communion with the world of spirits.

A certain dervish was there present also, who had repeatedly performed the pilgrimage at Mekka. The dervish addressed Jelāl, and inquired: “What is poverty?” Jelāl returned no answer; and the question was thrice repeated.

When Jelāl took his leave, the great Sheykh accompanied him to the street door. On his return to his room, he reprimanded the dervish severely for his insolent intrusion on the guest; “especially,” said the Sheykh, “as he fully answered thy question the first time thou puttest it.” The dervish, surprised, asked what the answer had been. “The poor man,” said the Sheykh, “when he hath known God, hath his tongue tied. That is being a real dervish; who, when in the presence of saints, speaks not; neither with the tongue, nor with the heart. This is what is signified by (Qur’ān xlvi. 28): ‘Hold ye your peace.’ But now, prepare thyself for thy end. Thou art struck by a shaft from heaven.”
