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After a little reflection, Jelāl said: “I have heard that thou hast committed the Qur’ān to memory. Is it so?” “I have.” “I have heard that thou hast studied, under a great teacher, the Jāmi’u-’l-Usūl, that mighty work on the ‘Elements of Jurisprudence.’ Is it so?” “It is.”

“Then,” answered Jelāl, “thou knowest the Word of God, and thou knowest all the words and acts reported of His Apostle. But thou settest them at naught, and actest not up to their precepts. How, then, canst thou expect that words of mine will profit thee?”

The Perwāna was abashed, and burst into tears. He went his way; but from that day he began to execute justice, so as to become a rival of the great Chosroes. He made himself the phœnix of the age, and Jelāl accepted him as a disciple.


A company of pilgrims arrived one year at Qonya from Mekka, on their way home elsewhere. They were taken in succession to visit all the chief men of rank and learning in the capital, and were received with every demonstration of respect.
