Читать книгу Epidemic Respiratory Disease. The pneumonias and other infections of the repiratory tract accompanying influenza and measles онлайн

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Table XVICases of Bronchopneumonia Following InfluenzaCASEONSET OF INFLUENZAONSET OF PNEUMONIASPUTUM EXAMINATIONCOURSE OF PNEUMONIANECROPSYDATEBACTERIOLOGYDIAGNOSISBACTERIOLOGY70Sept. 18Sept. 21Sept. 22B. inf. ++++ Pn. IV ++Diffuse bronchitis with rapidly progressive confluent bronchopneumonia. Died Sept. 24Nodular and diffuse confluent lobular pneumonia. Purulent bronchitis. BronchiectasisH.B. sterile Br. B. inf. ++++ Pn. IV ++ Lun. B.inf. +++ Pn. IV +++59Sept. 13Sept. 18Sept. 19Pn. IV +++ B. inf. +Bronchopneumonia with long drawn out course. Died Oct. 4Lobular pneumonia, with clustered abscesses. BronchiectasisH.B. sterile Br. B.inf. +++ Staph. ++ R.L. no growth.50Sept. 14Sept. 17Sept. 18Pn. IV +++Mild bronchopneumonia improving on Sept. 24. On Sept. 26 became suddenly worse and died on Sept. 30Nodular and confluent lobular pneumonia. Purulent bronchitisH.B. sterile Br. B.inf. +++ Staph + R.L. Pn. II +++ B.inf. + L.U. Pn. II +++56Sept. 10Sept. 17Sept. 18Pn. IIa +++Bronchopneumonia with recovery by crisis on Sept. 19. Developed a second attack of pneumonia and died Sept. 29Confluent lobular pneumoniaH.B. Pn. II Br. Pn. II +++ B.inf. ++ L.L. Pn. II +++ B.inf. +107Sept. 27Sept. 29Oct. 1Pn. IV +++ B. inf. + Staph. +Diffuse bronchitis and severe bronchopneumonia. Died Oct. 5Confluent lobular pneumonia with clustered abscesses. Pur. bronchitis and bronchiectasisH.B. sterile R.L. Pn. III ++ Staph. ++ L.L. Staph. ++92Sept. 23Sept. 28Oct. 1B. inf. +++++ Pn. IV +++ S. hem. 2 col.Severe bronchopneumonia with empyema. Died Oct. 5Lobular pneumonia. Empyema. Purulent bronchitisH.B. S.hem. Br. B.inf. +++ S.hem. +++ R.L. S.hem. +++ B.inf. ++ Emp. S.hem.99Sept. 24Sept. 29Oct. 1B. inf. ++++ Pn. IV ++ S. vir. +Diffuse purulent bronchitis with bronchopneumonia. Died Oct. 7Bronchopneumonia. Purulent bronchitisH.B. S.hem. Br. B.inf. +++ Lun. S.hem. +++ S.hem. ++ B. inf. +102Sept. 24Sept. 28Oct. 1Pn. IIa +++ B. inf. ++Severe bronchopneumonia with empyema. Died Oct. 4Lobular pneumonia with interstitial suppuration. Pur. bronchitis. EmpyemaH.B. S.hem. Br. B.inf. +++ S.hem. +++ R.L. S.hem. +++104Sept. 26Oct. 1Oct. 1B. inf. ++++ Pn. IV +++Diffuse purulent bronchitis with severe bronchopneumonia. Developed streptococcus empyema. Died Oct. 11Nodular bronchopneumonia with interstitial suppuration. Pur. bronchitis and bronchiectasis. Empyema.H.B. S.hem. R.L. S.hem. ++++ Emp S.hem.

The cases cited in the preceding paragraph are illustrative examples from a series of over 250 necropsies which are described in another section of this report. They serve to indicate clearly the extent to which mixed and superimposed infections of the lungs may occur in pneumonia following influenza and leave little doubt that a considerable proportion of the deaths from influenzal pneumonia are due to this circumstance.
