Читать книгу Epidemic Respiratory Disease. The pneumonias and other infections of the repiratory tract accompanying influenza and measles онлайн

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Hemolytic Streptococcus Pneumonia Following Influenza


But 4 cases of hemolytic streptococcus pneumonia directly following influenza without an intervening pneumococcus infection of the lungs occurred in the group of cases studied clinically. Superimposed infection with S. hemolyticus, however, occurred not infrequently during the course of pneumococcus pneumonia following influenza, as has been stated above. This occurred 3 times in lobar pneumonia and 10 times in bronchopneumonia, with fatal outcome in all but 1 case.


In the 13 cases of superimposed hemolytic streptococcus infection occurring during the course of pneumococcus pneumonia, bacteriologic examination of the sputum by direct culture and by mouse inoculation shortly after onset of the pneumonia showed Pneumococci (atypical II once, Type III once, Group IV eleven times) B. influenzæ present in large numbers, and no hemolytic streptococci except in 4 instances in which a very few organisms were present. Subsequent invasion of the lower respiratory tract by S. hemolyticus was shown to occur by means of cultures of empyema fluids or by cultures made at necropsy.
