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ssss1Quoted in “Streit um das Symbol des Schreckens”, in: Süddeutsche Zeitung 13.08.1991.

ssss1Leo Schmidt and Axel Klausmeier made an inventory of all the remains of the former border fortifications in Berlin. The book contains a lot of information that only informed observers can detect: concrete elements etc. Mauerreste – Mauerspuren, Westkreuz-Verlag Berlin 2004.

ssss1The Minister of Transport had presented his plans for a four-lane street on 15th July.

ssss1“Was von der Mauer bleibt”, in: Berliner Morgenpost 13.08.1991.

ssss1See also the entires from monument protection website (“Was weg ist, ist weg” – und darf nicht mehr rekonstruiert werden).

ssss1“Die ausrasierte Stadtwunde”, in: Die Tageszeitung 13.08.2001.

ssss1“PDS entschuldigt sich nicht für den Mauerbau”, in: Süddeutsche Zeitung 11.08.2001.

ssss1“Die Mauer im Kopf”, in: Die Tageszeitung 14.08.2001.

ssss1Quoted from ibid.l.



ssss1Statement by A. Kaminsky in light of the hearing on 25.4.2005, p. 1.

ssss1Unfortunately, support for a Wall Panometer at Nordbahnhof by Yadegar Asisi was not given by the Mitte district authority, The plans were supported by the Federal Foundation for the Study of the Communist Dictatorship in Eastern Germany, the Berlin Wall Foundation and the Berlin Senator for Culture – the plans were not realised due to a lack of interest from the district.
