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This section of the Berlin Wall symbolizes the division of Germany that existed after WWII until German Unification on 3. October 1990. The Live Oak Organization was dedicated to freedom of access to Berlin from 1959 to 1990.

France, United Kingdom, Federal Republic of Germany, United States of America




The Gravensteen, the Count of Flanders’ castle, stands defiant in the centre of the Belgian city of Ghent. For centuries, counts have summoned people to Flanders’ court within its mighty walls. Flemish landgraves were feared for their cruel administration of justice. Countless prisoners were held in the dungeons between 1407 and 1708 – many of them suffered agonising torture. Today, the torture and prison cells make up part of a torture museum and can be visited in the castle.

Mistreatment of prisoners is by no means a problem of the past. Even today, political prisoners are detained worldwide, robbed of their human rights and even killed. The human rights organisation “Amnesty International” works to protect the rights of such prisoners. In 1998, Amnesty International and the “Honest Arts Movement” (a Belgian artists’ association) initiated the construction of a memorial to commemorate all the “missing people” worldwide, who have been abducted, imprisoned or murdered due to their beliefs, religion, race or other reasons.
