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Ha 13. aBryCT 1961 г. eдHa CTeHa, paздeли БepлиH ГepMaHия, a c TяX EBpoпa и CBeTa Ha дBe чacTи. Бългapия бeшe зaTBOpeHa OT изTOчHaTa CTpaHa Ha CTeHaTa – дO 9. HOeMBpи 1989 г., KOгaTO Hapoдът я paзpyши.

Toзи OTлOMък OT БapлиHCкaTa CTeHa e дep OT rpaждaHиTe Ha БepлиH Ha rpaждaHиTe Ha Coфия, кaTO зHaK зa BъзCTaHOBeHOTO eдиHCTBO Ha EBpoпa и дOKaзaтeлCTBO, чe бългapитe ca Beчe CBOбOдHи xopa. БepлиH Maй 2006г.

[On 13th August 1961 a Wall cut Berlin, Germany and with it Europe and the world in two. Bulgaria remained enclosed on the eastern side – until the Wall was torn down by the people on 9th November 1989. This fragment of the Berlin Wall is a present from the people of Berlin to the people of Sofia – as a symbol of reunified Europe and as proof that the Bulgarian people are now free. Berlin, May 2006]

Information board in Sofia

© Fanny Heidenreich

Work to prepare the site had to be carried out quickly so that the official unveiling of the memorial could coincide with an upcoming visit from Berlin Mayor, Klaus Wowereit, on 16th May 2006. Workers from the company “Nidel” worked tirelessly to get the memorial site ready whilst the segment was transported from Berlin to Sofia by transportation company “Militzer und Münch”. Wowereit’s visit was eventually rescheduled and the handing over of the Wall to Sofia’s mayor, Bojko Borissow, actually took place on 20th June 2006.
