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I have offered these views upon the subject of Bitter Extractive, from a conviction that they will essentially contribute to the establishing of just and philosophical notions, respecting the necessity and modus operandi of many vegetable tonics.

As the action of tonics is gradual, so their operation is not followed by that exhaustion consequent upon the use of diffusible stimulants.

The substances which compose the class of tonics are derived from the vegetable and mineral kingdoms; those of the former are generally bitter, and produce their effects by a primary action on the stomach, and are not absorbed into the circulation, as experiments upon Bitter Extractive have most fully demonstrated; those derived from the mineral kingdom, comprehending several of the metals, appear in some instances to pass into the circulation, although several of them, like the vegetable tonics, act primarily on the primæ viæ; I apprehend this observation applies to the nitrate of silver, which certainly possesses considerable powers as a tonic in certain cases of dyspepsia, for which it may perhaps be indebted to the bitterness which distinguishes it.
