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During the prevalence of the theory which attributed to Nitric acid all the antisyphilitic powers of mercury, it was even maintained that this acid also excited ptyalism; experience however has disproved the effects thus attributed to it, and no one attempts to support its pretensions, as a sialogogue, except indeed as it may perchance, by its acrid qualities, influence the excretory ducts of the glands, externally, in the act of being swallowed.

It has very lately been stated by Dr. Macleod,[170] that the Hydro-cyanic acid occasionally produces soreness of the gums, and a disposition to ptyalism; this, if true, is a very remarkable fact, and well deserves attentive consideration.

Some theorists may, perhaps, be inclined to consider certain Nauseating Medicines as possessing sialogogue properties. It cannot be denied that an increased discharge of saliva will take place during the operation of such remedies, but it is very transient, and can never be rendered available to any therapeutic object. I shall however have occasion to refer to this fact hereafter, and to the inference deduced from it by Dr. Eberle, in explanation of the effect of nauseating medicines in promoting the operation of Mercury.
