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The urine may be considered as one of the most heterogeneous of the animal fluids;[189] and since a knowledge of its composition, and that of the morbid changes of which it is susceptible, must constitute the basis of all our knowledge respecting the formation and cure of calculous affections, the following results of an elaborate analysis by Berzelius, are submitted with a view to elucidate our pathological researches.

Animal Principles. Water 933·00 Urea 30·10 Lithic Acid 1·00 Pure Lactic Acid, Lactate of Ammonia, and Animal matters not separable from these 17·14 Mucus of the Bladder ·32 Alkaline and Earthy Salts. Sulphate of Potass 3·71 Sulphate of Soda 3·16 Phosphate of Soda 2·94 Phosphate of Ammonia 1·65 Muriate of Soda 4·45 Muriate of Ammonia 1·50 Earthy Phosphates with a trace of Fluate of Lime 1·00 Silex ·03 1000·00

Besides the above ingredients, which appear to be essential to healthy urine, Dr. Prout observes that in different diseases it may contain Albumen, Fibrin, and the red particles of the blood; Nitric acid; various acids, which are found to be modifications of the Lithic; Oxalic acid; Benzoic acid; Carbonic acid;[190] Xanthic Oxide; Cystic Oxide; Sugar; Bile; and Pus.
