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Where an acid is indicated, the Muriatic will in my judgment be found as convenient and effectual as any that can be administered. Mr. Brande proposes Cream of Tartar for this purpose; upon this point I differ with him, for this salt, to say the least of it, is questionable in its mode of operation; for although its first impression upon the stomach is that of an acid, the subsequent processes of digestion decompose it, and eliminate its base, which being absorbed acts upon the urinary organs as an alkali. I have seen a white sabulous deposit, consisting of the Phosphates, in the urine of persons after the constant use of Imperial as a beverage, which I am at a loss to explain upon any other principle. Sir Gilbert Blane has also very satisfactorily shewn, that a fixed alkali produces the same effect upon the urinary organs whether it be exhibited alone, or in combination with citric acid; in this latter case the salt undoubtedly undergoes a decomposition in transitu, as I have more fully explained under the consideration of Diuretics, (page 94.) During an alterative course of Lithonthryptic remedies it may be beneficial to interpose occasionally a purgative medicine, but we must not combine it with the lithonthryptic, at least, if we wish this latter medicine to reach the urinary passages; for it is a law which I have already attempted to establish (see page 94), that Catharsis suspends the process of alimentary absorption.
