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I need make no farther remark upon this part of Mr. Brande’s assertion; the sequel, judging from the construction of the sentence, is evidently intended to be understood as a consequence, viz. and therefore “the London Pharmacopœia is a record of the want of chemical knowledge where it is most imperiously required,” because Oxford and Cambridge Physicians were its Editors. Is not this the obvious construction?

It appears from Mr. Brande’s laconic answer to Dr. Young, published in “The Journal of Science and the Arts,” that his objections are those of Mr. Phillips, contained in his experimental examination of the Pharmacopœia; a work which, I confess, appears to me to furnish a testimony of the experimental tact, subtile ingenuity, and caustic style of criticism, which its author so eminently possesses, rather than a proof of any fatal or material inaccuracy in the Pharmacopœia; and I may urge this with greater force and propriety, when it is considered that, at the time of its publication, I was not a Fellow of the College, and therefore had no voice upon the subject of its composition, and consequently must be personally disinterested in its reputation.
