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Has not experience fully established the value of many medicinal combinations, which, at the time of their adoption could not receive the sanction of any chemical law? We well remember the opposition, which on this ground was for a long time offered to the introduction of the Anti-hectic Mixture of Dr. Griffith,—the Mistura Ferri Composita of the present Pharmacopœia, and yet subsequent inquiry has confirmed upon scientific principles the justness of our former practical conclusion; for it has been shewn that the chemical decompositions which constituted the objection to its use, are in fact the causes of its utility (see Mist. Ferri,); the explanation, moreover, has thrown additional light upon the theory of other preparations; so true is the observation of the celebrated Morveau, that “We never profit more than by these unexpected results of Experiments, which contradict our Analogies and preconceived Theories.”

Whenever a medicine is found by experience to be effectual, the practitioner should listen with great circumspection to any chemical advice for its correction or improvement. From a mistaken notion of this kind the Extractum Colocynthidis compositum, with a view of making it chemically compatible with Calomel, has been deprived of the Soap which formerly entered into its composition, in consequence of which its solubility in the stomach is considerably modified, its activity is therefore impaired, and its mildness diminished.[115]
