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“Very good,” replied the captain. “Mark it on the chart.”

The lieutenant laid his rule along the course indicated, and drew a line on the chart, while the captain stepped into the wheel room.

“Keep her east, three-quarters south,” he said to the man at the wheel.

“Aye, aye, sir. East, three-quarters south,” answered the helmsman.

“We’re laying a course direct for Ambrose Lightship,” said the lieutenant to Henry. “After we reach that we will head directly for the location of the derelict.”

Presently, as he heard a thin, shrill whistle piping on deck, Henry turned to the ensign.

“What was that?” he inquired.

“That’s the boatswain’s mate piping mess gear.”

“That’s all Greek to me,” laughed Henry.

“Well, that’s the nautical term for the call to table. The whistle blows ten minutes before meal time, and the men, except those who must remain on duty, must wash for supper. See them scurrying to get ready? Meals are served at seven-twenty, noon, and five at night. So it’s ten minutes of five now.”
