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“A little,” said Henry. “I served as a substitute operator at the government station at Frankfort for a time.”

“Would you like to send your own message?”

“Would I? Gee! I should say so.”

“All right. Sit down here and let’s see what you can do. Call up your station.”

“Thank you,” said Henry. “Will you set her for two hundred and fifty meters, please?”


“You send well,” said the chief electrician.

For a few moments the two operators sat, their phones clamped to their ears, listening intently. There was no response.



“You’ve got ’em,” commented the electrician. “Go ahead.”

“Reached New York all right,” wired Henry. “Both Willie and Roy out of town. Made the acquaintance of Captain Hardwick, of the Coast Guard cutter Iroquois. Am going to sea for a short trip as his guest. We are now in Lower New York Bay, heading for Ambrose Lightship. We are to find a derelict and destroy it. Please tell mother to write me in care of Captain Hardwick. Will send her a letter as soon as we get back.”
