Читать книгу "The Flu". A brief history of influenza in U.S. America, Europe, Hawaii онлайн

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Discovery of the Bacillus. In the year 1892, Dr. Richard Pfeiffer, of the University of Breslau, Silesia, Prussia, discovered the specific microbe of Influenza, a Bacillus, which is generally accepted as being the cause of the disease; however, there are some physicians who dissent.

It was found to be present in the lungs, bronchial mucous membrane, sputum and nasal discharge. It is one of the smallest of the known bacilli; measures about one micron long and a one-half micron in breadth. A micron is equal to 1

25,000 of an inch. The bacillus is found singly and in pairs, is non-motile. Domestic animals are not subject to the Flu, but monkeys and rabbits can be infected.

Alleged Causes of the “Flu.” It has been attributed to numerous and varied agencies in the past. Philosophers, physicians and the people believed the disease to be due to supernatural phenomena.

Some of the causes given were in the main fanciful, freakish and imaginary, the delusions of minds filled with wonder or fear, and illusions of the senses, such as:
