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“Mighty strong door!” exclaimed Chick, as he hurled himself against it by the side of his chief. “It ain’t going to give way in a hurry. But we’ll have to smash it open if it takes all——”

He broke off suddenly, for inside the room there arose the sound of two men engaged in a fierce struggle.

They could hear furniture falling over, and the scuffling of feet, mingled with pantings, as if the contestants were in fierce grips, and putting forth all their strength.

“Listen,” said Chick. “That sounds like Lampton’s voice. I haven’t heard it for three years, but I’d swear it’s he that’s growling to the other fellow to stand back.”

“Push the door!” returned Nick. “Never mind about talking. We can do that afterward. I want to get into this room.”

For a minute or two longer the racket continued. Then they heard the sound of a window sash being wished up violently, followed by more banging and scuffling.

“Ah!” cried somebody inside.

“That’s Milmarsh!” exclaimed Carter involuntarily. “It means that the other fellow has got away. Down with this door!”
