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“It’s true enough that raids don’t always work out well,” agreed Chick thoughtfully. “We lost Bill the Bum just that way. And he got away with about twenty thousand dollars’ worth of jewelry, too.”

“He was drowned in that wreck off Sandy Hook, though,” remarked Nick. “So it didn’t do him much good. You remember that tramp steamer, the Lovely Maud? It was in a collision with a tank steamer. The Lovely Maud went down like a stone, and Bill the Bum, with all his loot, went down with her. Talking about raids, however, we may have to make one, if our own plan doesn’t work out.”

“It will work out!” was Chick’s positive assertion.

“I hope so. Lieutenant Brockton and the chief of police in Jersey City are willing to let me try, at all events.”

“And the scheme is to decoy them out one by one, and pinch them in detail? Isn’t that it?”

“No. That would be too long and doubtful a process. I have promised Brockton that you will let us quietly into the house.”

Chick started. He had not worked out the matter along those lines. At least, he had not put it into those words, and he was not sure that he could do what was required. But he did not raise any objection. He knew better than to do that when his chief laid out a program.
