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’Twas the soul of Judas Iscariot,

So grim, and gaunt, and gray,

Raised the body of Judas Iscariot,

And carried it away.


For days and nights he wandered on

Upon an open plain,

And the days went by like blinding mist,

And the nights like rushing rain.

He wandered east, he wandered west,

And heard no human sound;

For months and years, in grief and tears,

He wandered round and round....


’Twas the soul of Judas Iscariot,

Strange, and sad, and tall,

Stood all alone at dead of night

Before a lighted hall.

And the wold was white with snow,

And his foot-marks black and damp,

And the ghost of the silvern Moon arose,

Holding her yellow lamp.

And the icicles were on the eaves,

And the walls were deep with white,

And the shadows of the guests within

Pass’d on the window light.

The shadows of the wedding guests

Did strangely come and go,

And the body of Judas Iscariot

Lay stretch’d along the snow.

The body of Judas Iscariot

Lay stretched along the snow;

’Twas the soul of Judas Iscariot

Ran swiftly to and fro.
