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With thy body’s sins?” said he.

’Twas the soul of Judas Iscariot

Stood black, and sad, and bare—

“I have wandered many nights and days;

There is no light elsewhere.”

’Twas the wedding guests cried out within,

And their eyes were fierce and bright—

“Scourge the soul of Judas Iscariot

Away into the night!”

The Bridegroom stood in the open door,

And he waved hands still and slow,

And the third time that he waved his hands

The air was thick with snow.

And of every flake of falling snow,

Before it touched the ground,

There came a dove, and a thousand doves

Made sweet sound.

’Twas the body of Judas Iscariot

Floated away full fleet,

And the wings of the doves that bare it off

Were like its winding-sheet.

’Twas the Bridegroom stood at the open door,

And beckon’d, smiling sweet;

’Twas the soul of Judas Iscariot

Stole in, and fell at his feet.

“The Holy Supper is spread within,

And the many candles shine,

And I have waited long for thee

Before I poured the wine!”

The supper wine is poured at last,
