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I might follow the eight preceding quotations (which illustrate “the art of reasoning”) with the well-known story of Charles Lamb, who, when blamed for coming late to the office, excused himself on the ground that he always left early. (He also said, “A man could not have too little to do and too much time to do it in.”) There is also the reply of Lord Rothschild, when the cabman told him that his son paid better fares than he did, “Yes, but He has a rich father, and I haven’t.”


Thy face is far from this our war,

Our call and counter-cry,

I shall not find Thee quick and kind,

Nor know Thee till I die.

Enough for me in dreams to see

And touch Thy garments’ hem:

Thy feet have trod so near to God

I may not follow them.

Through wantonness if men profess

They weary of Thy parts,

E’en let them die at blasphemy

And perish with their arts;

But we that love, but we that prove

Thine excellence august,

While we adore discover more

Thee perfect, wise, and just.

Since spoken word Man’s Spirit stirred
